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«Kapitalbank» became a partner of the «Little Witnesses of the War» book publication dedicated to May 9
6 May 2021
«Kapitalbank» together with «podrobno.uz» News Agency initiated release of Little Witnesses of the War book.

The book contains 39 stories-memories of people who survived the war being children. Among them are children from Uzbek families who were left without fathers by the war, children evacuated from the zone of fierce fighting, and children dying of hunger in besieged Leningrad and Nazi concentration camps.

«This is a social project for us. We want the current generation to remember the feat of their ancestors, appreciate the peaceful sky above their heads and all that we have today. We want our young people to remember kindness and mercy, generosity, nobility and humanity. The feat of people is alive as long as they remember it,» said Alisher Mirzayev, Chairman of the Management Board of Kapitalbank.

«In this book you will find real and unadorned memories of children of that terrible war. Stories about how they carried corpses in concentration camps, saw how their relatives were burned, how people died by the thousands from hunger and atrocities of the fascists. There are also stories of children who lost everything, but did not give up, starved, but gave the last crumbs of bread to others. The main thing that they ask their descendants to do today is to remember how hard the Victory was won, and never allow such a thing to happen again. This book is a reminder to all of us what a real war is and what sorrows it can bring,» said Andrey Teshaev, the Chief Editor of «podrobno.uz» News Agency.

«Little Witnesses of War» book has been printed in a limited edition for non-commercial use. The publication will be donated to schools, universities, libraries, museums, and cultural centers. The book is currently available only in Russian, but it is planned to translate it into Uzbek in the near future.

You can download the pdf book here.

Little Witnesses of the War
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